Sunday, 2 March 2025

Delphinids: Spotted, Striped, and Spinning Dolphins

Pantropical spotted dolphin
The closest relatives of the common and bottlenose dolphins, which are perhaps the most familiar species to the western public, are those in the genus Stenella. Or at least, that might be true, because there has been a lot of confusion about the genus over the years.

It was first created in 1866 as a subgenus within Steno, the "narrow-beaked" dolphins, and contained just one species. It became a full genus in 1934,and by the end of the 20th century was agreed to contain five species - all of which had, in fact, been named before 1866. Since then, our understanding of genetics has greatly improved, and it has become clear that these various species cannot be so neatly arranged on a family tree as we might like.